
Saturday, April 7, 2007

love….!!! killing word I guess..we cant live without to to to frenz…hm…usia remaje ni kan..macam2 kiter nak cuber..macam2 kiter nak rase..antara perasaan yg mmg akan timbul dlm hati kiter..perasaan ingin disayangi dan menyayangi..i mean…wanna have couple…..ader org fikir..couple ni untuk suke2 n tak kesah kalo xkekal..yup..they think they couple just to have fun..n not care if they r clash…somebody think that when u couple..u must stick with the one that they love..dont try to flirt..

Aku pon tak terlepas dr perasaan aku pun aku ader couple..she said that she will love me till the last breath..she always help me when I’m in trouble..maybe I’m not suitable with we clash..she said that she still love her ex-boyfren so aku bebaskan dier..mase tu aku rase sgt sedih..susah aku nak lupekan dier..but when I think again..there’s no use to love one who not love us..xperlah..aku tetap doakan keselamatan dan kejayaan dier..i hope she will hepi with her couple.maybe aku pon ader salah maser tuh…

After that incident..i afraid to couple again..biarlah aku ader ramai kawan..if u wanna have couple..u must ask ur

self..r u ready to have couple??..adekah korang betul2 terimer pasangan korang tu..??..b4 u couple with someone,u must know their background..jadilah kwn dulu..biar korang tau aper kelebihan n kekurangan pasangan korang…lepas dah tau kekurangan n kelebihan dier..barulah decide tarikh utk declare

Lepas dah declare..jager hati n perasaan pasangan korang..if one of you have trouble..kongsi dgn pasangn…kalau ader tak puas hati dgn pasangan..luahkan..jgn dipendam..percayerlah…kalau salah seorang pendam perasaan tak puas hati tu,bila berlaku masalah,korang akan bergaduh macam gunung berapi me..dont hide sumthing between both of u..dont be a hypocrite..serlahkan peribadi korang yg sebenar..biar pasangan korang tau saper korang..kalo dier xpuas hati…buka hati..buka minda..terimer segale teguran dgn positif..

Huh..aku ckp mcm aku dh bercouple plak inilah reality..kalo korang belum bersedia utk bercouple…jgn bercouple..sayangilah n berbaktilah pada kedua org tua korang k..jagn luper cium tgn n pipi mak ayah slagi diorang still hidup..jgn malu nak cium pipi diorang..k…diorang dah membesarkan kiter dgn penuh kasih syg beb..sekarang pon korang tido kat umah mak ayah..mkn..minum..pakaian..sumer mak ayah yg tanggung kan??

Kalo ader slh silap kater2 kat ruangan ni..please 4give me k..i’m not a perfect person..if I wrong..plz adviseme..k

Aloha = hi = goodbye = I love you

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