
Thursday, November 13, 2008

aKu dAn oRaNg frAncE

selamat pagiiiii.....kali ni aku nk cite pangalaman aku brjmpe owang france...huhuuhu....ngah aku keje tetibe ayah aku perkenalkan aku ngan 2 owang france....ayah aku tumpangkan diowang....jmpe kt tepi jalan ngah tahan diowang...jinjin ngan simon.....sowang laki sowang gurl.......

aku punye la suke...
mcm2 aku tanye......i like their ways....they like to see people....
ni antara perbualan yg aku betul2 mntak maap coz
aku x terer aku gune la bahasa jawa+english aku kan...diowang ckp aku ni kire bagus la....bleh ckp english walaupown duk kampong yg jauh dr bndar ni...huhuhuhuhu

diowang bgtaw aku yg diowang suke travel....actually mak ayah diowang ade
caravan & idup berpndah randah....simon ngan jinjin ni boyfren & girlfriend...dh 4 tahun bersame tp tak berkahwen.....both of them have same interest(travel) so they work and work.....they'll put the money at bank & after they are ready to travel,they sell their houses,cars and all their things to get enough money....simon & jin said to me that they have nothing left at france.....after complete their journey,they'll stay at their father's house & find new job & find money to go travel another year...

i ask them,
why they walk and don't want to use the bus or taxi?they said that if they use the bus or taxi,they can't see the culture....and if they use bus,they'll not find people and talk with them....hurm...btul gak......sebab tu mereka ni lebih suke berjalan kaki & menahan kenderaan untuk ditumpang.....

diowang dh ade kt malaysia ni dah sebulan.....sebelum ni diowang dr thailand...dr thailand ke malaysia,diowang naek basikal.....smpai je sini,diowang jual basikal & berjalan kaki...diowang akan
tahan mane2 kenderaan & tido kat hotel2 murah...isap rokok pown yg murah2 jer...huhuhu

aku dapat berborak dgn diowang kjap je coz hari nie 13/11/2008,diowang akan bertolak ke indonesia..pastu ke australia...diowang kan
keje kat sane utk beberape hari...diowang akan keje pungut buah...keje yg senang2....pastu ke israel & dr sane diowang akan beli basikal & kayuh ke france....smpai kt france, diowang akan tumpang kt umah mak ayah diowang & bekerja semula.....they said to 1 year,travel 1 year.....

aku tanye,"why u wanna work at australia?u said that your family is call them and ask for money"
simon said to me,"i already ask,and my father said,i must give back the money if i borrow so i rather work & get the i can do anything i want because it is my money"

sorry guys if i write a lot dis time...juz wanna share the experience......a lot of things we can get from them.....
they not shy to meet high spirit...have future planning...not depend to their family.....

so....this kind of spirit we must have in our life so when you wanna do sumthing...planning is important and dont forget to pray :-)


with love,


  1. hehe..pjg btol entry ko ni, tp aku da bace sumer.. haha.. idup depa mmg best, tp tu la dok pindah randah, depa pikir duniawi jer semate2.. xyah pikir nak kumpul duit pi haji, nak sara anak2, see xkawen pon kan depa bdua...hehe.. bese la tuu.. dats y depa dok travel memanjang jer.. huhu

  2. tu la....anyway tu la yg aku dapat korek dr diorang.....ape yg kite leh ikot semangat diowang
    fuhhhh...ingat tak penat ke...huk3

  3. "not depend to their family....."

    ikot ap yg ko tulis tu..ade btol nye..kt jgn ikot dia buant yg bukan2 tp..keputusan kt wat tok idop kt..n keselesaan akan datang..weehuu..ak nek gunong ahd ni wish me luck..
