
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My sweetheart :-)

Thanks to all readers for all your comment towards my blog. Maybe my blog is not special like others but I dont care, this is my blog but I accept all those critics and comments.

Thanks also to my sweetheart that always support me no matter I'm happy or sad. My SWEETHEARTS are always with me. It’s true, we must have our pillar of strength, my father, and mother is my pillar of strength, also my sweethearts. I am always happy when I’m around them. I love my sweetheart. LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!

Hehehehe, what do you all thinking about right now huh????huhu...they are my little sweethearts that always with me. Make me happy and cheerful. Love them with all my heart. On weekdays, after back from Chinese kindergarten, they'll accompany me at office, both of them are my 'anak sedare'. They'll shake and kiss my hand and cheek. Then they take their toys and play with them at the office with me. Although they are only 6 (umairah) and 5 (reza) years old, they can talk fluently like us. It’s so amazing huh! Maybe it is because they always talk to the older people around them. HUHUHU..I remember, one day, I put a big mug at Reza's head and he said, "pakai topi keledar, anda mampu mengubahnya". HAHAHA...memang kuang asam this little boy. Always make me laugh. Tak sangka this little boy can throw out a thought like that. carefully at this picture, do you see my 'anak sedare' face? He got that scars when he fall down from stairs. The amazing thing was he not cries at all. Huhuhu...what a strong boy huh!!

What you think about this big size boy. Hehehe, this is my lil' bro. When I came back from work, he'll come to me and hug me, what a monster..hahaha...7 years old but already 48 kg!! HUHU...Yg plg best, when I 'baring'. He’ll hug maroon 5 song , harder to breath...hahaha...after that he'll lie down on me..ughhh...really heavy laaa. He loves to play my PSP. Huhuu...bile tak bg. mula la majuk,huhuuhu....Last week, ada prtandingan mrentas desa, semua bagitau die tak payah ikut lari but he don't care. He try to join it...Lastly, tak smpai separuh jalan dah semput, takpe2, at least you had try your best bro! I'm so proud of U.

Hahaha...they all are my little sweetheart, its fun to have children around us, they'll make us happy and release our tension. So take care of your little brothers, sisters, and your children. They are our future generation that can change our world to a better world
. MySpace


  1. huhu...cute n lovely sweethearts!!

    nak pinjam PSP gak!!!

  2. to kaoru: abgnye comel tak?hehehe
    to pika: nk psp?dtg la ye

  3. abg nye pn hensem gak...
    but i dun look at ur face, juz look at ur kind of heart.
    i like it n it is nice
    cuttie sweetheart
    u r caring n loving
    u still young but had think bout ur future children
    u think so far but anyway it is 4 ur future also
    whatever is,gud luck to survive in ur life...
    i lurve 2 know u more
