
Friday, March 27, 2009

terbaru!!!: karya ramlee awang murshid-MIKHAIL


MIKHAIL – bukan sekadar sebuah nama. Selama 16 tahun menjadi pelarian di perantauan, dia muncul semula memburu mangsa-mangsanya. Mikhail membunuh kerana dendam lama. Sewaktu usia remaja, keluarganya telah ditembak mati. Mikhail telah diselamatkan Dickens, seorang lelaki Amerika Syarikat yang juga merupakan rakan niaga ayahnya, Tuan Sadon. Dickens melatih Mikhail menjadi seorang pembunuh profesional untuk membela kematian keluarga.

Dalam pada itu, Mikhail juga menghidapi sejenis penyakit paranormal. Apabila retina matanya terkena cahaya matahari atau silauan lampu yang terang lagi tajam, dia akan berada dalam satu dimensi yang tidak diketahui. Kadangkala dia terperangkap antara dua dimensi – fantasi dan realiti. Akibatnya, Mikhail sukar membezakan mana yang benar.

RAMLEE AWANG MURSHID menampilkan novel MIKHAIL sebagai satu agenda yang dipengaruhi wang bertunjangkan kuasa. Wang serta kuasa dijadikan sandaran sebagai satu simbol kejahatan. Mereka yang enggan bekerjasama akan dijatuhkan hukuman mati. Mikhail pula adalah alat kepada misi pembunuhan itu. Saspens dan penuh emosi!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

mereka hebat!! aku bagaimana??

salam to all friends. hope all of U stay happy & in good condition :-)

Sedang aku duduk di serambi rumah, aku terfikir, mengapa aku tak macam orang lain yang mempunyai x-factor, ingatan yang tajam, yang pandai berdebat, yang alim, yang pandai berkata-kata...dan macam2 lagi yang aku fikirkan. Aku sebenarnya terkilan dengan diri sendiri. Kenapa aku tak macam diorang? Aku teringin menjadi seperti orang2 yang hebat ini. Kadang2 aku jadi tension, kenapa aku takleh jadi yang terbaik. Sejak sekolah aku nak jadi yang terbaik, tapi aku tak dapat score gak time SPM. Dan sedang prestasi aku meningkat naik di UITM, bapaku meminta ku berhenti belajar dan membantunya di kampung. Takpelah...hidup ni banyak dugaan, aku redha....

Akhirnya persoalan aku terjawab. Setelah selesai membaca sebuah karya Azizi Ali, aku tahu yang, aku kene jadi diri aku sendiri. Semua orang mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Kadangkala apa yang kita rasa kekurangan inilah sebenarnya kelebihan pada diri kita yang sebenarnya kita tidak sedar. Dan kekurangan kita ini akan kadangkala dibantu dengan kelebihan orang lain. Jika kita pandai merekacipta tetapi tidak pandai memasarkan, org yang tidak pandai merekacipta tetapi bijak dalam pemasaran, akan membantu kita. Sebab itulah kita dilatih mempunyai sikap tolong menolong, bekerjasama kerana kita semua sebenarnya saling memerlukan.MySpace

Walaupu aku kerap dengar ungkapan 'be yourself' tetapi jujur aku katakan, memang susah aku nak aplikasikan ungkapan tu dalam hidup aku. Memang aku hidup dengan cara aku...sentiasa be a simple person but the problem is...aku sentiasa ingin jadi seperti kawan-kawan aku. Yang hebat, pandai memimpin sebuah organisasi, petah bicara, ilmuan dan macam lagi kelebihan yang aku nmpak pada diri diorang yang takde pada diri aku.MySpace

Kadangkala terdetik dalam hatiku, kenapa aku tak sehebat diorang?
Mungkin aku takkan jadi sehebat mereka, tetapi aku akan cuba ubah diriku menjadi yang lebih baik.

aku tetap aku

Dato' Dr. Hj. Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah ada berpesan, jika ada masalah, jangan terlalu memikirkan masalah itu tetapi, cari langkah2 untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

TIP-TIP PILIHAN: Kerja Susah vs Kerja Mudah

Mengapa hanya terdapat 2% sahaja mereka yang berpendapatan
tertinggi sahaja dalam industri masing-masing?

Jawapan: Kerana mereka yang top 2% ini sanggup melakukan
perkara-perkara yang susah manakala selebihnya 98% hanya suka
melakukan perkara-perkara yang mudah sahaja.

Sebagai contoh, usahawan-usahawan top 2% yang berjaya sanggup
melakukan perkara-perkara yang dikira susah seperti melakukan
promosi setiap hari, sering mencari contacts dan membuat network
yang penting setiap minggu, dan melakukan perancangan dan strategi
yang produktif perniagaan baru setiap bulan.

Manakala mereka yang bottom 98% pula hanya suka melakukan
perkara-perkara mudah seperti tidak melakukan promosi, tidak
menghadiri majlis-majlis network kerana tiada masa, dan hanya
menjalankan strategi yang sama dalam perniagaan seperti 2-3 tahun
yang lepas (tidak ubah).

Bagi mereka yang top 2%, kerja-kerja tersebut memang susah. Tetapi
mereka lakukan juga.

Bagi mereka yang bottom 98%, mereka tak sanggup melakukannya.

Apa kata lepas ni, kita senaraikan perkara-perkara yang susah yang
sebelum ini kita sering abaikan. Dan, kemudian... lakukannya juga!

source: irfankhairi

Friday, March 20, 2009

my life: my cute babiess!!

Salam to all friends!! Hurm..majority of my friends told me that they are tension with their student life. Some of them wanna quit from their study. For me, wherever U go, there must be a problems. Problems occur everywhere. When there's problem, U must think wisely and find way to solve it. Dr Fadzillah Kamsah said, "Kita kena berfikir secara betul, seperti contoh, bila bangun pagi, kita rase perut kita sakit, kita jangan mengeluh, sebaliknya kita berfikir kenapa perut kita sakit dan kita pergi berjumpa pakar ataupun doktor".

I have my own way to release my tension. U wanna know how?? I'll show U....
hehe..I feel calm with them, they are cute kids. Seronok tengok diorang manja2 dengan mak diorang ni haa.. Nama maknye Doni..yang bebudak kecik ni blom ada nama lagi...nak tolong letakkan nama??

Nak tau tak, Doni pun serentak dapat anak & cucu tau. Nak tau??haaa...yang baru 'bersalin'kan anak kat bawah lah anak Doni...namenye Cat...anak-anak Cat ni lah cucu Doni..huhu...dah jadi nenek si Doni ni. Name 2 ekor budak ni pun lom diletakkan lagi...adeh. pun memang pelik..agaknye bulan 3 ni bulan 'anak-anak' saya beranak.huhu..nak tau nape??haaa...tengok bawah ni..

Punyalah susah nak amek pic my hamster ni. Dia tak bagi saya take pic anak-anak dia. Akhirnya setelah berusaha keras, dapatlah saya snap pic anak2 die yang sebesar jari kelingking ni haa..huhu

haa...ingat manusia je bleh jadi model??kucing pun boleh tau..huhu..tengoklah...

Haih..seronok bermain dengan diorang ni. kalau tak caya. Bila tension2, cuba main ngan diorang. Tak kesahlah nak usap2 kepala ke. Main kejar2 ke. Mesti best. Bila balik je dari ofis, diorang akan meluru ke motor/kereta saya...kononya nak manje2 padahal nak mintak makan..memang betul-betul kuat makan diorang ni.

Minta maaf kepada pembaca kalau post kali ni boring. ngee~~~

Monday, March 16, 2009

my life: anak baru :-)

I'll introduce to all of U!!! my new babies..hehehe

mase tu saya on the way ke office, tengah syok bawak jeep & mase tu ujan, tetibe 2 ekor kucing ni dengan selamba nak melintas, naseb baek dapat elak. Fuhh... pada mulenya ingat nak biarkan je, tapi bile fikirkan balik, cian plak kat budak 2 ekor ni. Kang tak pasal kena langgar dek lori. Saya pun patah balik sebab nak amek budak 2 ekor ni. Kesian diorang, basah kuyup kene hujan. Masuk je jeep, diorang terus menyorok bawah tmpat duduk. HUHUHU...kelakar gak.... TIBA-TIBA, sekor2 naik atas peha saya, mintak dipangku, hadoi...apela....susah nak drive camni..tapi takpe...maybe diorang takut & cejuk. huhu...takpelah...hantar diorang ke umah dulu. Sampai je umah, saya bagi diorang makan friskies..huhu...kebulur betul diorang.. ni...haiyaa...nampaknye bertambah lagi la kucing kat umah saya. Dah ade 10 ekor lebih kurang(malas nak kire) all of them....bile tension...diorang la tempat nak bermanje...hehehe...MySpace
orang-orang tua bagitau...haiwan2 yang kita jaga especially kucing, bila kita jaga dengan baik, insyaALLAH rezeki bertambah. Mungkin ada kebenarannya sebab rezeki kami sekeluarga tak pernah putus, alhamdulillah . Walaupun kami hidup serba sederhana, kami tetap happy dengan adenye diorang..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

money can buy happinesS??

salam & hello to all my sempoi friends. Maybe all of U will angry & mad at me because of that title. Chilled out man. lol. Many people will say that, "money is not everything", "money can't buy happiness", "money lead people to become bad people", "money is evil". haih... maybe majority of us think like this because we were influent by the media especially 'drama' at television. Most of them show that all bad people come from the rich.MySpace

Maybe it's true money can lead a person become cruel & evil but let us together thinks about it. Please, think wisely. If U have money, U manage it, U control it then U'll get the happiness.

For me, I'm very strict when buying 'things'. When I'm buying something, I'll make sure that it is important for me to have it. Example, I'm still wearing my old shirt, I'll wear it until it's not fit with me. For me, it's not important for us to follow the trend. Be simple. It's more comfortable. Think again, when U buy many things especially the expensive one, do U feel happy enough? One day if U already have grandson, do U tell them about what U buy?? huhu...

I'll be happy when I’m using my money to travel and treat my friends. I rather do that than go shopping, ( well, I guess it’s a girl thing.haha).. When I hang out with friends, I laugh with them, go to cinema, play games, play paintball..etc..all this things make me happy and I can tell it to anyone. Still remember in my mind, I treat my friends until they can't of us can't blur any words anymore because he’s so full...hahahaMySpace

I love money, I can help people with it. Yup, I don't want to see people around me sad because I already going through difficulties since I was child. I want to use money to make others happy. I'm happy when I make people happy. Long ago, at age 6, I used bicycle to go to kindergarten. Sometimes I just walk to school. For a few years, I walked to school that about 3 KM from my home.hurm.. Now, I tell to myself. I'll help people that in need. MySpace

So, when U have a lot of money, use it wisely, go travel, see others culture, try new thing, and gain knowledge, yup, money can lead for happiness...U'll happy when U help people, U'll happy when U go travel and try new things.

In my mind now, I want to save money to see my friends at overseas. I'll be coming u guys!! Just wait!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 is a fake

I was reading about Raja-ebay via my google reader and it caught my attention. Many Ebayer have been talked about this guy on how this guy can make RM 80000 per month which is I know it's a lie and testimonial that he received showing that he is real and he is making money (again, it's a fake: call up his friend to put testimonial for him). Why I call it a fake plus scam:
  • He didn't publish his ebay ID.
  • He didn't show how many star he collected if he making money over RM80K per month
  • I caught his name on another website (Muhammad Munzir Yasin)
    • mesin duit - signatory name at the bottom of the letter.
    • - the bank accounts are stated under his name.
    • Ringgit-Masyuk - His name appears again, this time he put testimonial on that website.
  • He is doing scam business, hoping that people will fall into his trap
  • If he claims he is so good at doing ebay business, he never got highlighted from any media in Malaysia, or another country.
  • Damn you raja-ebay, where's your selling items? What kind of things that you're selling that you can hit RM80k a month?
  • His paypal table of account is fake,fake,fake. There's a transfer status, instead of received. His balance is growing up gradually and it's totally exposed a fake balance.
  • That is your face, Mr Munzir Yasin! You take someone's photo!
What should we do?
  • After reading raja-ebay website for the third time, I think we should report it to Ebay!Malaysia
  • Don't ever try to buy the ebook, it will tell you the same tips that offering over the internet for free.
  • Word of mouth is so powerful, so start telling your friends and families about this scam.
source: FILTUSE

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Passion or force??

Salam & hi u guys. Hope all my friends outside there always smile & happy. Dah lame sangat tak menulis kat blog ni. To all friends that always wait for my article, thanks a lot for your patience. So how are you? Fine? What are you guys doing right now? Still doing the same thing that you did yesterday? Go to work at 7.30 am & stuck at the traffic light, do the same work everyday, go back from work at 5 pm & watch TV and sleep. Tomorrow, same thing goes around & around. Same thing goes to the student out there. Go to college, study, study and study.

Okey, I want to ask all of you. Is it true, people around us always said that, when you study hard, you get good result, you'll get good job. People around us always said that, when you become a doctor, an engineer, a contractor, or anything, you'll become rich and you'll live happ
ily without any problem because you have money & you can buy anything. Many people always come to us and said like that. I'm not saying that what all they said was wrong, maybe they have own reason to say like that. They want their children become a successful person. Become rich. Respect by all people.

I'm writing this post for myself, my sibling, and to all my friends out there. When I'm sit
ting at my chair, looking at the moon, stars, I suddenly thought, when I'm study and working, am I doing all this because of my passion or a force?? Passion is when you do work/ something, you'll not felt bored doing it all the time. You'll do the work without strain. You love it and you enjoy doing all this stuff.
So in this post, I want to all of you to share
it me. What is your passion? Is there something you want to do but you can't do it because you had to fulfil others dream? For example you want to be an engineer but your family want you to be a doctor. Like my friend, he want to be a doctor because his family want it and he always got a good result in something-that-got –to-do-with-human subjects, but he has his own passion, he want to be a businessman.

People at my village always tell to their kids to become a doctor
because when you become a doctor, you have a balance life, have good health and MONEY. hoho...for me, I don't want to be a doctor, only a really brave person ( I think) can become a doctor. I don't have a gut to see a dead body in front of me. What a scary things to see everyday huh!

For me, when I'm still standard 4, I always want to be a businessman, I keep my
coins by buying sweets and sell them back to my classmate. huhuu....In my thought I eagerly want be a businessman. When my dream comes true, I want to help people. I want to make all my friends smile. I don't want to see difficulties in other people life. I don't have a heart to see Bersamamu at tv3 because it hurt me so much. Oh my....

So my friends, lets join me, tell me your story, what you want to be? Your passion
or anything else you want to share. Please, let me hear from you ok!