
Friday, May 20, 2011

nuffnang: cara mendapatkan buffered earning (update blog survey)

salam semua. demi tak menghampakan pembaca dan mereka yang kerap bertanyakan soalan pasal buffered earning maka petang ni aku nak bagitau la sedikit macamane nak dapatkan buffered earning ni. baru2 ni aku dah menghantar ticket kepada pihak nuffnang untuk bertanyakan mengenai masalah ni. sebab ramai kawan2 aku yang blognye mantap2 maseh belom mendapat buffered earning. 

tapi sebelom tu korang baca apa yang pihak nuffnang cakap ngan aku .cik nuffnang berkata,"Actually, you're referring to CPM campaigns, not Buffered Earnings. Buffered Earnings, Metered Earnings, etc are merely terms for CPM campaigns." ohhhh baru aku paham (errrr...buat2 paham jer lah yer).

tips pertama 

As advertisers always have a target audience for their campaigns to address to, they will choose blogs with suitable blog readers as their target audience. Should your blog readers fall into that category, rest assure that you're very likely to be picked by them. Many bloggers who do not fill in their blog surveys properly may find themselves not receiving ad campaigns from advertisers frequently. This is due to the fact that the survey actually helps advertisers know the bloggers' blogs better. Blogs registered without completed surveys are often ignored by advertisers as they do not know if your blog's reach is suitable for their campaign or not. As such, we highly recommend for you to ensure that all your blogs' surveys are filled and updated from time to time.

tips seterusnya? nanti lah..aku saket perot ni,nak buang air besor kejap. korang update dulu korang punye blog survey tu k!!

UNTOK PERINGATAN: blog aku maseh belom mantap. tips ni bertujuan untok berkongsi bersama2 bukan aku nak berlagak dan tunjok pandai.sekian


  1. Tak faham mat salleh .. sekian trime kasih!

  2. omputih pulokkkkk...p google translate nuh,HAHHAHA :P

    cepat melabur,nak tips kedua :P

  3. owh.ok2.tnks for info.ramai gak blogger lain ckp cm tu.

  4. bro..tq tips2 ni..aku dah rm11.65 tapi tak dapat2 BE..dah update survey huhu

  5. aku pun tak pahammm
    ngan nuff ni...
    oh oh..mcm tu lakk..
