
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

nuffnang: cara mendapatkan buffered earning (pengiklanan)

salam semua,kalau entry yang lepas aku ajak korang update blog survey,korang dah update belom??kalau belom,lepas ni pergi la update yer. alhamdulillah,bulan ni aku dah dapat 5 buffered earning,aku harap nuffnang tak kedekut dengan aku bulan depan :-). terime kaseh nuffnang :-),syukur pada tuhan atas rezeki

seterusnye, adakah korang letakkan ketiga-tiga iklan yang nuffnang suruh letak???dan adekah korang letak ke tiga tiga iklan tersebut di tempat yang sesuai?? korang was2?? ape kate korang hantar ticket ke pihak nuffnang bertanyakan adakah iklan yang korang letakkan tu memang kena dengan tempatnye. aku dah tanye,dan diorang jawab,"You seem to have placed your ads optimally". so baik korang cepat2 tanye yer. pade yang belom bace entry yang lepas,boleh ke sini:

nuffnang: cara mendapatkan buffered earning (update blog survey)

jujur aku katekan,aku ni blogger biase dan entry maseh belom mantap. aku saje nak kongsi dan kita sama2 berblog dengan senyuman yer. kat bawah ni adalah jawapan dari pihak nuffnang sendiri mengenai cara meletakkan iklan. aku takmau ubah jadi bahase melayu sebab aku bukan terer inggeris. so pepandai la korang translate yer.

Desirability of ad placement is crucial in the advertising industry. Advertisers spend a lot of money to design an ad and buy ad space. They want to get their message across to their target audience as effectively as they could. This being said, they will always buy ad spaces which are optimized and desirably placed. Just ensure that your ad units are at their intended place and this factor would be satisfied in the eyes of the advertisers. A Skyscraper ad unit is supposed to be the first element of the sidebar and not anywhere else. The same goes for Leaderboard as the first visible element upon visitor's entry to the site and Large Rectangle right after your first blog post. Should your blog's ad units not be located at these placements, it would severely affect advertisers' decision to advertise on your blog as there are plenty of other blogs under our network with perfect placement of the ad unit.

In addition, availability of ad units plays an important role for bloggers to be chosen for campaigns as well. All our advertisers split their budget evenly across all our 3 ad units, Leaderboard, Skyscraper and Large Rectangle whenever they advertise with us. That being said, the budget would be limited and might not be able to cover that many blogs for a particular ad unit. If your blog have all 3 ad units in it, your chances of being selected for campaigns would be fully maximized.


  1. tq info ni bro..emm aku dikhabarkan oleh nuffnang yang aku dalam CPM tuh apa maksudnya?

  2. wan dah update 4 kali dah tapi belum dapat rezeki lg.

  3. dah beribu kali update kot...-.-
