
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

kenangan bersama mamee monster!!!

assalamualaikum wa rohmatullohi wa barokaatuh
korang pernah makan mamee? kalau sebut je mamee, mesti korang akan ingat pek kuning dan raksasa biru tu kan? heheh. aku pun sama. aku membesar pon dengan mamee tu huhu. 

 sumber gambar: mamee

aku ingat lagi masa kat sekolah agama. aku siap letak kuah sambal lagi. lepas tu aku hancurkan mamee tu. sedap wooo. dalam mamee tu pon dah siap perencah kan, tu pon sedap. keh3...sampai sekarang, mamee monster ni tetap glamer, lagi2 bila ade mainan kat dalam tu huhuhu. 

korang pulak macamane? masih makan mamee monster ni lagi? 

 sumber gambar: mamee

kat bawah ni adalah kisah mengenai mamee monster yag aku dapat di sini
Created in 1972, Mamee Monster has evolved from being a localized brand of snack to an international icon today. With presence over 80 countries, this humble noodle snack has gained global recognition from several countries including Australia. The most recognizable feature about this snack is definitely the ‘square-ish’ noodle cake look and the lovable and cheeky face of the mascot, Mamee Monster. For more than three decades Mamee Monster snack has wowed kids and adults alike from their quaint hometown in Melaka, Malaysia to the school canteens in Down Under. So, come on everybody…get into the Monster groove and do the Monster Shuffle! Crunch It, Shake It, Munch It!...baca kisah selanjutnya di sini

1 comment:

  1. dulu mase kecik2 sy pun suka mkn mamee monster jugak..skrg nie dah lama dah tak makan..
