
Saturday, November 17, 2007


Wassuppp gang…how r u today? Feel well enough today? What r u doing today? Hmm..or u r already find your job today?hehe….it is fun right when u already find your own job and have your own pocket money??hehehe…and after u get the salary,u can buy what u want…make up set(especially gurlz hehe..),ear ring, or maybe motorcycle like 135 LC??? Hehe…or maybe doodads? Something like MP3,MP4,N73,N70…hehehe….

U can buy anything u want but must know how to manage the money…hmm…I wanna tell those my fren who r still student and doing job during dis holiday…”WORK TO LEARN NOT WORK TO EARN”….seems ridiculous right…maybe u think dat I’m insane but dis is da truth..majority of our student dat doing part time job just work to earn not to learn.dis is wrong…when u do this,u not get anything coz when u work to earn,u just get the money and after u buy this and that, the money will gone…just like dat!!

I’M NOT PERFECT PERSON!!! Sorry if what I said will make your heart said that who am I to tell dis?? Remember dude..I AM YOUR FREN… maybe I’m not rich and not in right place to tell u such thing like dis..but just take it as advice from your fren dat caring bout u..

DUDE, when u work at a shop, restaurant, company or a firm, try to look how the company work. Try to understand how the company be managed..dis is because..when u already work at a company and get salary…u can use it to build your own company…

I LUV U ALL I hope all of us will success in whatever we do..

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007

aku seorang mahasiswa!!

salam to alll!!!!peergh…tak sangke seh aku dah jadi budak u…aku seorang budak uitm segamat..huhu..muler2 aku raser maleh nak masuk u 2 tp aku dapat ramai kwn2 yg best2..pergh…diorang wat aku semangat nak belajar…dulu aku amek corse sains fizikal kat kat u ni aku amek bisnes management in marketing…mmg aku mintak pon coz aku minat nak terjunkan diri dalam bidang2 bisnes nih….donald trump ader cakap..kalo kite nak berjayer…kiter kene suke n minat dengan aper yg kiter lakukan…coz kalo kiter inta,otomatik kiter akan wat bender tu dgn sungguh2…
aku harap korang dapat doakan kejayaan aku kat uitm tu…

ingat!!!kalo kiter nak wat sumthing..we must have the passion to do that coz with passion and love with what we were doing….we wil achieve da success…

Saturday, April 7, 2007

love….!!! killing word I guess..we cant live without to to to frenz…hm…usia remaje ni kan..macam2 kiter nak cuber..macam2 kiter nak rase..antara perasaan yg mmg akan timbul dlm hati kiter..perasaan ingin disayangi dan menyayangi..i mean…wanna have couple…..ader org fikir..couple ni untuk suke2 n tak kesah kalo xkekal..yup..they think they couple just to have fun..n not care if they r clash…somebody think that when u couple..u must stick with the one that they love..dont try to flirt..

Aku pon tak terlepas dr perasaan aku pun aku ader couple..she said that she will love me till the last breath..she always help me when I’m in trouble..maybe I’m not suitable with we clash..she said that she still love her ex-boyfren so aku bebaskan dier..mase tu aku rase sgt sedih..susah aku nak lupekan dier..but when I think again..there’s no use to love one who not love us..xperlah..aku tetap doakan keselamatan dan kejayaan dier..i hope she will hepi with her couple.maybe aku pon ader salah maser tuh…

After that incident..i afraid to couple again..biarlah aku ader ramai kawan..if u wanna have couple..u must ask ur

self..r u ready to have couple??..adekah korang betul2 terimer pasangan korang tu..??..b4 u couple with someone,u must know their background..jadilah kwn dulu..biar korang tau aper kelebihan n kekurangan pasangan korang…lepas dah tau kekurangan n kelebihan dier..barulah decide tarikh utk declare

Lepas dah declare..jager hati n perasaan pasangan korang..if one of you have trouble..kongsi dgn pasangn…kalau ader tak puas hati dgn pasangan..luahkan..jgn dipendam..percayerlah…kalau salah seorang pendam perasaan tak puas hati tu,bila berlaku masalah,korang akan bergaduh macam gunung berapi me..dont hide sumthing between both of u..dont be a hypocrite..serlahkan peribadi korang yg sebenar..biar pasangan korang tau saper korang..kalo dier xpuas hati…buka hati..buka minda..terimer segale teguran dgn positif..

Huh..aku ckp mcm aku dh bercouple plak inilah reality..kalo korang belum bersedia utk bercouple…jgn bercouple..sayangilah n berbaktilah pada kedua org tua korang k..jagn luper cium tgn n pipi mak ayah slagi diorang still hidup..jgn malu nak cium pipi diorang..k…diorang dah membesarkan kiter dgn penuh kasih syg beb..sekarang pon korang tido kat umah mak ayah..mkn..minum..pakaian..sumer mak ayah yg tanggung kan??

Kalo ader slh silap kater2 kat ruangan ni..please 4give me k..i’m not a perfect person..if I wrong..plz adviseme..k

Aloha = hi = goodbye = I love you

my life..!!!

Alohaaa to all my beloved fren..i don’t know what I wanna fill in dis blog..hmm….4 yourinformation I am not good in English and I’m ofcourse Javanese…hehehe..u know..when I watch English movie at my laptop,I will make sure there is a dictionary by my side..huhu..funny huh??yup..i also da eldest son from 4..its hard u know..ader org kater aku ni skema…huhu..xtaulah..aper2 pon aku xkesah..asalkan diorang ikhlas kawan ngan aku…xtikam blakang ..

In my time..mase tu aku baru lahir kat dunia ni..aku hadapi sakit yg amat teruk.mak aku kater aku akan mati kalo x diselamatkan..mase tuh plak family aku betul2 susah..ayah aku hutang rm90 kat kedai pon org kedai dh dtg kutip utang..mak aku gadaikan brg kemasnyer nak bayar utang tuh..ayah aku maser tuh jual nanas..kadang2 x laku…so nak dipendekkan citer ayah ngan mak aku terpakser gak antar aku ke jb dgn naek lori buruk.mak aku temankan aku kat hospital..ayah aku plak sambung keje utk bayar perubatan aku..akhirnye aku dpt diselamatkan..

Rumah aku plak maser tu teruk giler.uzur..time ujan turun jer aku n mak aku berkejar cari besen..lari2 kat setiap ceruk umah nak tadah air kat tempat yg bocor tu..huhu..kalo aku pk blk sedeh pon ade..lawak pon ader..coz maser tgh sibuk lari2 tuh kami siap terjatuh..huhu..

Maser aku tadika,ayah aku suruh aku g naek beskal.huhu siap pakai helmet dier lg,ayah aku pesan kalo smpai tadika kalo cikgu tanyer naper pakai helmet bgtau cikgu jage keselamatan..hehe.maser tuh sumer kawan2 aku mak ayah diorang antar.hhuhu.kadang2 aku jln kaki.maser aku djh 2 plak ayah aku ajar aku bawak moto.mase t upon ayh aku suruh aku bawak bajak korek tanah…djh 3 plak aku blaja bawak keta proton saga dgn guner gear 1 jer..huhuhu…darjah 4 plak ayah aku belikan aku motor modenas jaguh..fuh.semangat giler maser aku g sekolah..biler aku fikir balik naper ayah aku ajar bawak sumer kenderaan maser aku budak2 lg rupernyer utk tolong family gak.yup..senang..lagipon aku anak sulong..byk tanggungjawab

Sekarang ni..alhamdulillah..keadaan family aku agak stabil..bersyukur aku ader ayah yg macam ni.dier xder kelulusan tinggi..spm pangkat dier xjemu berusaha.drpd dulunya jatuh..sekarang dier bgn sbg antara ahli perniagaan yg bleh dikatakan berjaya.petua dier…walau kaya mana pon kite..jgn sombong..jgn bongkak..biar kiter Nampak miskin biar org kater kiter kene sentiasa hormat org..bertegur sapa…jgn sombong..itulah antara nasehat dier n petua kejayaan dier..

Sekarang ni umah aku dlm pembinaan.taun 2008 kot baru siap.huhu…datang la ye nanti… all who already met me and know me..i hope all of you can forgive all my mistake..yup..nobody perfect in dis world..aku nak mintak map kalo sepanjang aku berkawan dgn korang..byk salah yg dah aku wat…so 4give me k..dont 4get to contact me..hehe