
Thursday, November 10, 2011

jangan letak laptop di atas katil kerana...

selamat tengahari kengkawan semua. dah makan? kalau belom, pergi la makan, tak payah nak diet2. hehe. wah2.. mentang-mentang hari ni takde kelas, tengahari buta baru bangun yer. eh? siap laptop terbukak lagi kat atas katil tu, rajennye korang buat assigment, sampai tertido depan laptop. buat assigment ke berwebcam/berskype sampai tertido? hehe. tapi bahaya laptop tu dibiar lama-lama atas katil. panas laptop tu nanti. 

kat bawah ni ada kisah rumah terbakar disebabkan laptop. tapi aku tak pasti akan kebenarannya. tapi, aku pernah cuba buat. aku ni rajen tengok harga-harga emas dan perak. so aku online la kat atas katil. cukup sejam, aku pegang bawah laptop tu, perghhh panas gila. aku ingat nak teruskan eksperimen tu tapi kang jahanam laptop aku tu camne aku nak online huhu. kalau korang nak tahu akan kebenarannya cerita di bawah ni, korang cuba buat. tapi pastikan korang ada laptop spare. hehe

PSSTT....apa salahnya belikan kipas untuk laptop korang tu kan?


A couple lost their 25 year old son in a fire at home on June 4th. The son who had graduated with MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier had come home for a while. He had lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to clean up his hostel room. His father told him to wait, to meet his mother, before he went back for a few days. He decided to take a nap while waiting for his mom to come back home from work. Some time later their neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house.

Unfortunately, the 25 years old died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by the laptop resting on the bed. When the laptop was on the bed cooling fan did not get the air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed because he died of breathing in carbon monoxide.

The reason I am writing this to all of you is that I have seen many of us using the laptop while in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. The risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use the laptop on bed with blankets and pillows around. Please educate as many people as you can.

"Please pass to everyone you know, you might save one's life" - sumber


  1. hari tu kena maki ngan kawan sebab letak laptop atas katil...emo betul dia...haha

  2. saa suka letak laptop atas katil nasib tak terbako lagi...

  3. bleh je letak atas alas la dgn buku ke...

  4. selama nih, kalau malam musti letk laptop atas katil..malas nak on9 kat luar. yg pasti mmg ada kipas kat bawah dy, yg mahal punya...huhuuhuhu..

    rasa2 terjamin selamat tak??? setakat nih, selamat lah..hehe

  5. laptop sy padam sendiri kalau pns sngt..huuuu

  6. Manja selalu letak laptop atas katil tanpa alas and keputusannyer.

    Laptop tiba2 terpadam dengan sendiri. pegang bawah laptop mmg panas sgt. nasib x meletup laptop.

    so pengajaran dah x berani letak laptop atas katil
