
dari irwan miswan

Terima kasih sudi singgah ke blog yang tidak seberapanya ini. Kalau kawan-kawan ada info berguna, atau ingin menegur kesilapan aku, dipersilakan, tapi tegurlah secara positif sebab aku akan lebih hargai mereka yang menegur secara positif dan mendoakan kesejahteraan mereka. Sekian.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 is a fake

I was reading about Raja-ebay via my google reader and it caught my attention. Many Ebayer have been talked about this guy on how this guy can make RM 80000 per month which is I know it's a lie and testimonial that he received showing that he is real and he is making money (again, it's a fake: call up his friend to put testimonial for him). Why I call it a fake plus scam:
  • He didn't publish his ebay ID.
  • He didn't show how many star he collected if he making money over RM80K per month
  • I caught his name on another website (Muhammad Munzir Yasin)
    • mesin duit - signatory name at the bottom of the letter.
    • - the bank accounts are stated under his name.
    • Ringgit-Masyuk - His name appears again, this time he put testimonial on that website.
  • He is doing scam business, hoping that people will fall into his trap
  • If he claims he is so good at doing ebay business, he never got highlighted from any media in Malaysia, or another country.
  • Damn you raja-ebay, where's your selling items? What kind of things that you're selling that you can hit RM80k a month?
  • His paypal table of account is fake,fake,fake. There's a transfer status, instead of received. His balance is growing up gradually and it's totally exposed a fake balance.
  • That is your face, Mr Munzir Yasin! You take someone's photo!
What should we do?
  • After reading raja-ebay website for the third time, I think we should report it to Ebay!Malaysia
  • Don't ever try to buy the ebook, it will tell you the same tips that offering over the internet for free.
  • Word of mouth is so powerful, so start telling your friends and families about this scam.
source: FILTUSE

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